Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd. Dobrovského 2366, CZ-580 01 Havlíčkův Brod,
phone: +420 569 466 215, e-mail:
The department is engaged in economic consultancy using gross margin applied in the EU countries. The method is based on the economic analysis of agricultural enterprise management specialized in searching strengths and weaknesses in enterprise’s economics. The analysis evaluates profitability of individual branches of agricultural primary production and competition ability. It optimizes direction of the enterprise production to derive maximum income from agricultural activity. As a result of economic analysis different variants of enterprise development plans are compiled with regard to changes in agricultural structure based on development on agricultural commodity market. The department contributes to solution of research projects from NAZV and MŠMT.
Main activities
elaboration of projects „Enterprise Development Plan“ (optimization of agricultural enterprise management)
consultancy in the field of cross compliance
solution and cooperation in solution of research projects
consultation, publication activity and oral presentations
active participation in agricultural exhibitions (PRI’s exposition)

Topics of research projects
Integration of aeroponics technology into production of selected agricultural crops
Development of new elements of drip irrigation management in potato production, including fertigation and application of plant protection products
Innovation of potato growing systems in the protection zones of water resources with limited inputs of pesticides and fertilizers resulting in water pollution reduction and maintaining of competition ability of potato growers
Innovation of integrated Colorado potato beetle management based on new findings on genetic and biological characteristics
Services offered
elaboration of projects „Enterprise Development Plan“ (optimization of agricultural enterprise management)
technological consultancy in plant production
technological consultancy in animal production
elaboration of sectorial economic analyses from selected fields of agricultural production (plant production, animal production)
Ing. Jana Exnarová
Ing. Milan Čížek, Ph.D.