Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd. Dobrovského 2366, CZ-580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
phone: +420 569 466 220, e-mail:
Main activities
National Program of Conservation and Utilization of Plant Gene Pool and Agro-biodiversity (coordinated by Crop Research Institute Prague – Ruzyně) – Potato Collection: gathering, evaluation and maintenance of world potato varieties, tetraploid hybrids, cultivated and wild species and interspecific hybrids in conjunction with Working Group on Potato (coordinated by European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute)
solution and cooperation in solution of research projects (NAZV MZe ČR, TA ČR)
compilation of certified methodologies, technologies
consultancy, publication activity and oral presentations

Topics of research projects
reducing the risk of the occurrence of the causal agent of bacterial ring rot of potato in the breeding and propagation material
establishment of a pilot plant for potato virus eradication by cryogenic temperatures and its material and energy intensity assessment
potato growing technology – new environment-friendly procedures
evaluation of wild potato tuber proteins potential for utilization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding and biotechnological applications
use of cryotherapy for elimination of selected pathogens in potato and hop
variability of potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV), improved reliability of its detection and utilization of transgenic resistance
functional genomics and proteomics in plant breeding
use of colour-fleshed potatoes as an alternative crop with specific food quality
molecular and technological backgrounds of quality potato production

Other activities
storage of potato gene bank collection under in vitro culture (2 454 accessions)
providing of materials from in vitro potato gene bank for breeding, research and education
in vitro potato gene bank revitalization and valorization
sustainable systems for quality potato production
storage of experimental GM potato collections
development and verification of procedures for active recovery of potato from viral diseases under in vitro culture, establishment and long-term maintenance of virus-free collections involving clones of varieties and potato hybrids
development of potato genotypes with increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stress
Services offered
transfer of potato genotypes into in vitro conditions using foliage segments, sprouts and seed sowing
recovery from viral diseases using explant techniques (thermotherapy, meristem isolation, chemotherapy)
long-term maintenance of in vitro accessions under cold conditions
preparation of initial virus-free in vitro plantlets for further propagation of potato varieties and hybrids in tissue culture
Ing. Vendulka Horáčková, CSc.
Jitka Záškodová
Marta Žáková