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Electronic sources available within SLARA

More information about electronic information resources (EIR) in applied agricultural research you can find here.

  • CAB Abstracts 1973+
    Leading international agricultural and forestry database. It monitors over 9 000 journals, books, conferences, reports and other forms of literature published in 75 languages in 116 countries.
    It covers fields such as animal and plant production, animal husbandry and cultivation, plant protection, genetics, forestry engineering, economics, veterinary medicine, human nutrition, rural development, tourism, etc. The full CAB ABSTRACTS database contains over 7 000 000 records since 1973, the annual increment amounts to over 300 000 papers.
  • CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1972)
    Allows to search records from disciplines such as agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine, food, natural resources etc., published between 1910 and 1972.
  • CAB Abstracts Plus Collection
    CAB Abstract Plus database provides access to full-text content from multiple databases:
    • CAB Reviews Archive (CABI reviews published between 1973 and 2003)
    • CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources (over 3 000 surveillance studies regarding most recent development)
    • Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases (every year 30 new maps + digital archive of 1000 maps, with oldest ones from 1942)
    • Distribution Maps of Plant Pests (every year 18 new maps + digital archive of more than 700 maps, with oldest ones from 1951)
    • Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria (every year approx. 40 characteristics of new organisms + digital archive of 1 700 characteristics of fungi and bacteria back to the year 1964)
  • CAB eBooks (2005-2017)
    Collections of e-books covering agriculture, food, nutrition, veterinary medicine, human medicine, botany, leisure time, entertainment, the environment and its protection and so on. Each book is accessible in full and in an easy to use format.
  • CABI Compendia (2013-2017)
    Compendia bring information from several databases such as:
    • Animal Health and Production Compendium brings valuable information from all five continents in veterinary medicine and animal production.
    • Aquaculture Compendium is a valuable resource that summarizes the findings relating to fisheries and related fields. There is information about different types of aquatic animal diseases and how to cure them, the nutritional requirements of different nutritional freshwater and marine animals, etc.
    • Crop Protection Compendium is an interactive guide to the issues of protection of agricultural products – from seeds to food. It contains information for scientific research, specialists in the field of pesticides, agrochemical industry, students and lecturers, agronomists and farmers
    • Forestry Compendium – multimedia encyclopaedia, which is a reference source of information focused on forestry.
    • Invasive Species Compendium
  • Cambridge Journals Online - STM collection
    The prestigious specialized collection of STM electronic journals from Cambridge University Press. Standard equipment includes advanced features and tools such as alerts, RSS feeds, access to abstracts unsubscribed magazines, the option to save the search strategy, user statistics (COUNTER, SUSHI). CJO Mobile (mobile version), search widget, MARC records.
    FSTA database, which is produced by International Food Information Service (IFIS), covers the field of food science and technology since 1969, included are areas such as microbiology, toxicology and hygiene, economics and statistics, engineering, packaging, diet food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat, fish etc. .
  • OECD Agriculture Statistics
    Collection of database includes:
    • OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook – OECD iLibrary provides detailed information about production, consumption and further data not only from member countries.
    • Producer and Consumer Support Estimates – OECD iLibrary provides current information about agricultural production support, its changes, resources, methods of determining criteria for agricultural policy.
    • Environmental Performance of Agriculture – OECD iLibrary deals with changes in agriculture conservation area.
    • Agricultural market access database (AMAD) – OECD Agriculture Statistics - OECD iLibrary contains information about customs tariffs, changes of tariff protections of WTO member countries.
  • ProQuest Agricultural Science Collection
    Bibliographic processed documents in the database AGRICOLA are widespread “deeply” processed by indexing images, graphs and tables, supplemented by access to full texts. There are 4,8 million records with abstracts, over 3,4 million indexed views and full texts of 550 periodicals (ProQuest Agriculture Journals). The source includes following fields: biotechnology, botany, chemistry, economics, agriculture, education, agricultural engineering, information system for agriculture, entomology, fertilizers, food and nutrition, public health, forestry, horticulture, hydrology, pesticides, microbiology, soils, pollution, sociology, water quality, weather and climate.
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