Brambory - zdravá potravina

Scientific studies 2020

  • First benefits of whole genome genotyping methods for potato practice
    Jiří Ptáček, Oldřich Trněný, Viktor Kopačka, Jan Šafář, Renata Švecová, Jaroslava Domkářová, Miroslava Čeplová, Alena Krpálková
  • History of identification and characterization of viral and viroid pathogens of potatoes using molecular hybridization techniques
    Jiří Ptáček, Jaroslav Matoušek
  • 25 years of using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques for the detection of viral and viroid pathogens of potatoes in PRI Havlíčkův Brod
    Jiří Ptáček, Jaroslav Matoušek
  • Potatoes tuber yield and quality at different methods of fertilization and ridges modification
    Helena Kusá, Pavel Kasal, Pavel Růžek
  • An effect of Jerusalem artichoke genotype with respect to the content of inulin in tuber
    Andrea Svobodová, Dagmar Šimková, Pavel Kasal

First benefits of whole genome genotyping methods for potato practice

Vědecké práce – Výzkumný ústav bramborářský Havlíčkův Brod, 2020, 26: 9-18

Within the platform NCKTN01000062 „Biotechnological center for plant genotyping“ we coordinate in PRI Havlíčkův Brod Sub-project TN01000062/04 – Potatoes in cooperation with IEB CAS and VESA Velhartice. The project execution started in 2019 and here we present the results achieved so far.

DNA; DArT; genotyping; potato

Corresponding author:

RNDr. Jiří PTÁČEK, CSc., Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd.
Dobrovského 2366, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic
phone: +420 569 466 244, e-mail:

History of identification and characterization of viral and viroid pathogens of potatoes using molecular hybridization techniques

Vědecké práce – Výzkumný ústav bramborářský Havlíčkův Brod, 2020, 26: 19-28

The use of molecular hybridization techniques at PRI Havlíčkův Brod in the field of characterization of potato viruses and viroids began 25 years ago. At present, these techniques are no longer used, but the aim of this publication is to show the development in this area.

DNA; DArT; genotyping; potato

Corresponding author:

RNDr. Jiří PTÁČEK, CSc., Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd.
Dobrovského 2366, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic
phone: +420 569 466 244, e-mail:

25 years of using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques for the detection of viral and viroid pathogens of potatoes in PRI Havlíčkův Brod

Vědecké práce – Výzkumný ústav bramborářský Havlíčkův Brod, 2020, 26: 29-42

The use of molecular genetic techniques at VÚB Havlíčkův Brod in the field of detection of potato viruses and potato viroid began 25 years ago. At present, these techniques are mainly used to detect Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and Potato virus Y (PVY). The aim of this publication is to show development in this area over the past 25 years.


Corresponding author:

RNDr. Jiří PTÁČEK, CSc., Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd.
Dobrovského 2366, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic
phone: +420 569 466 244, e-mail:

Potatoes tuber yield and quality at different methods of fertilization and ridges modification

Vědecké práce – Výzkumný ústav bramborářský Havlíčkův Brod, 2020, 26: 43-46

In 2019 and 2020, a field experiment in the technology of stone separation with various shapes of ridges and application of fertilizers was carried out at the site in Valečov (BVO, 460 m above sea level, annual total precipitation 632 mm, average annual air temperature 7.4 °C). The shapes of the ridges were as follows: slightly bowl-shaped, with pits at the top of the ridges and in the non-rail furrow and with resumption of the pits in the furrow and loosening of the ridges surface before/during the emergence of the stand. The fertilizer (UREAstabil) was applied at planting into ridges at a dose of 100 kg or only 70 kg N/ha and an increasing part (30 kg N/ha) in form of liquid fertilizers during loosening into root zone of plants. The small-plots experiment was established as a part of this field trial with the same variants, where 15N-labelled fertilizers were used.
In 2019, the highest yields of potato tubers in the field trial were achieved in variants with ridges loosening (53.25 t/ha in case of a single application of fertilizers and 54.58 t/ha at split doses). The starch content in the tubers reached 13.10-13.90 %, the highest was in the control without N fertilization. No significant differences were found in the resistance to abiotic graying of potato tubers. In the more rainy year 2020, the yields of tubers of all fertilized variants were balanced (50.72-51.84 t/ha), significantly higher than in the control (45.12 t/ha). In a small-plot experiment in both years, the highest tuber yield (60.06 and 73.60 t/ha), total nitrogen uptake by plants (286.3 and 227.2 kg N/ha) and nitrogen use from fertilizers were found in the variant with ridges loosening and split nitrogen dose.

isotope 15N; nitrogen use; tuber yield; pitting; ridges loosening

Corresponding author:

Ing. Helena KUSÁ, Ph.D., Crop Research Institute
Drnovská 507, 166 06 Praha 6
phone:  +420 233 022 266, e-mail:

An effect of Jerusalem artichoke genotype with respect to the content of inulin in tubers

Vědecké práce – Výzkumný ústav bramborářský Havlíčkův Brod, 2020, 26: 57-63

In recent years an interest has been increased in growing of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.). Considering high content of inulin-type fructan content Jerusalem artichoke tubers are classified as dietary food. The term inulin-type fructans involves all β linear fructans, including native inulin, oligofructose and also a specific combination of oligofructose and HP inulin. Inulin is fermented in colon and this causes significant changes in intestinal microflora composition with increased and decreased number of bacteria potentially supporting human health. For this reason the content of inulin in tubers was investigated in individual genotypes. Monitoring was done in Valečov research station for four years (2016-2019). Under the same growing conditions 15 genotypes were studied. Subsequently, the genotype possessing the highest inulin content in tubers was selected.

Jerusalem artichoke; inulin; tubers; genotype

Corresponding author:

Ing. Andrea SVOBODOVÁ, Ph.D., Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod, Ltd.
Dobrovského 2366, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic

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